Bilingual (Spanish) Associate Teacher

LEEP Dual Language Academy Charter School

Job Category

About LEEP Academy

LEEP Dual Language Academy Charter School is a new and growing elementary school in Sunset Park, Brooklyn. We use the research-based 90:10 model of Spanish language immersion that helps all students achieve in all subjects while also becoming bilingual and bi-literate. In the 2022-23 school year, we will grow to serve students in grades K-4, using instructional techniques from high-performing charter schools and the best dual language programs in the nation.

Our school community is linguistically, racially, and socioeconomically diverse, and we are committed to being a good neighbor in Sunset Park for decades to come. We are located at 54th Street and 5th Avenue, in a private building with a long-term lease.

Teachers: Does this sound like you?

We’re looking for bilingual Associate teachers who can help every student reach academic excellence in Spanish and English. Does this describe you?

  • You have native-level fluency in Spanish and English. That means that, in both languages, you can read and write professional documents such as lesson plans; carry on academic conversations with parents and colleagues; and teach academic concepts with native-speaking students.

  • You have some experience teaching or working with children. You have at least a Bachelor’s degree.

  • You’re serious about becoming a high-performing teacher who can plan a lesson, connect with students, make the most of every minute, check for understanding, and turn data into improved teaching and learning.

  • You like the idea of teaching in Spanish most of the school day, even if you’ve never done it before.

  • You like the idea of joining a school where teachers work as a team and receive frequent feedback to improve their practice. You’re ready for an intense challenge, with help from a coach, a lead teacher, and experienced colleagues.

  • You want to join a school community that is safe and orderly while treating every student and family with dignity. You think all children deserve a strong foundation in math and literacy, without overlooking science, the arts, and social-emotional development.

  • You like to “nerd out” about teaching and the subjects you teach.

  • You work really hard. You stay organized. You hate to be unprepared.

Teacher Roles

At LEEP Academy, we plan lessons in detail, but not from scratch; we work together from a common set of high-quality curricula in English and Spanish. We collect and analyze formative and summative data. We differentiate instruction and work with families and service providers to meet each child’s needs. We communicate and collaborate. We model our school’s Core Virtues: Cariño, Respeto, Valentía, Gratitud, y Alegría.

Teachers work in the range of 50-55 hours per week. Our core work hours are from 7:15am to 4:30pm daily, including a lunch break and prep period. (Students are dismissed at 3:15, except for Fridays when they leave at 1:30pm to allow for professional development.)

LEEP Dual Language Academy Charter School is committed to a policy of equal treatment for all individuals applying for employment. We do not discriminate on the basis of race, ethnicity, sex, gender, sexual orientation, pregnancy, national background, religion/belief, marital status, caregiver status, veteran status, disability, age, political party, or salary history.

Salary Range: $50,000-$55,000


Job Location
Brooklyn, New York, United States
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