Professor of Missions and Evangelism - Bilingual

Asbury Theological Seminary

Job Category

Tenure-Track Faculty Position

Asbury Theological Seminary announces an open-rank faculty search for a Professor of Mission and Evangelism with demonstrated commitment to integration of their teaching within the Wesleyan theological tradition. The purpose of this position is to teach courses in Missions, Evangelism, and Church Planting in both our English Masters degree programs as well as our bilingually delivered Master of Arts in Ministry Degree, which serves bilingual Latina/o students.

Preferred candidates will demonstrate passion for connecting the academy with the local church and ministry leaders, especially among Latino/a leaders and communities. This faculty position will be a regular member of the faculty (tenure-track position). The applicant should have a PhD or terminal degree in a field directly related to Missions, Evangelism, and/or Church Planting. Fluency in Spanish is required.

Candidates must offer demonstrable pedagogical/andragogical competencies and effectiveness in teaching diverse students and contexts, especially among Latino/a populations. Additionally, the successful candidate will be competent in online, hybrid, and intensive course instruction. Teaching delivery systems and hybrid residency locations are established by the needs of the School of Mission and Ministry, Asbury Global, and the Asbury Latino Center, which manages bilingually delivered courses.

The faculty appointment would be dedicated to the Asbury Seminary Global Delivery Platform at the Seminarys global sites (currently Orlando, Tampa, Tulsa, Memphis, and Colorado Springs). The normal teaching load for full-time faculty will be six courses for the year, as determined by the Provost and Dean with an eleven-month contract and possible teaching deployments within the eleven-month time frame as determined by programmatic needs.

The scheduled starting date is July 1, 2023. Women and all minority and diversity candidates, along with veterans and individuals with disabilities, are strongly encouraged to apply.

Asbury Theological Seminary is a confessional seminary in the Wesleyan tradition. Unambiguous and enthusiastic agreement with the Seminary's confessional Statement of Faith, Mission, Strategic Vision, Collegial Faculty Covenant, Code of Institutional Values and Conduct, and Ethos statement is required.

Questions may be addressed to:

Christina Liu

Administrative Assistant to the Dean

School of Mission and Ministry

Asbury Theological Seminary

(859) 858-2194

Job Location
Wilmore, Kentucky, United States
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