1. Meets and instructs assigned classes in the locations and at times designated.
2. Plans a program of study that, as much as possible, meets the individual needs, interest, and abilities of the students.
3. Creates a classroom environment that is conducive to learning and appropriate to the maturity and interests of the students.
4. Guides the learning process toward the achievement of established district curriculum goals, establishes and communicates clear objectives to the students for all lessons, units and projects.
5. Prepares for classes assigned, and shows written evidence of preparation upon request of immediate supervisor as required by the teachers’ contract.
6. Employs a variety of instructional techniques and instructional media, consistent with the physical limitations of the location provided and the needs of capabilities of the individuals or student groups involved.
7. Strives by instruction and action to implement the district’s philosophy of education, instructional goals and objectives and performance expectations.
8. Assesses the accomplishments of students on a regular basis; provides progress reports as required, and communicates with parents at deemed necessary.
9. Maintains accurate, complete, and correct records as required by law, district policy, and administrative regulations.
10. Diagnoses the learning challenges of students on a regular basis, seeking the assistance of district specialists as required.
11. Takes all necessary and reasonable precautions to protect students, equipment, materials, and facilities.
12. Follows the SPS a code of conduct for the classroom which is consistent with established administrative policies and develops rules of classroom behavior which are enforced in a fair and just manner.
13. Plans and supervises assignments for paraprofessionals, and makes written evaluations as required.
14. Maintains an ongoing program of professional growth that satisfies district requirements but also satisfies personal expectations as a professional.
15. Takes an active part in the contractually -approved teacher evaluation process, contributing to a mutual agreement concerning the results of that evaluation.
16. Attends building and district meetings to promote communication and mutual decision making among the staff; said meetings to be held during the extended day.
17. Attend established traditional school sponsored activities (e.g., Back to School Night, Open House, programs, activities) agreed upon by the building administrator and the faculty consistent with the teachers’ contract.
18. Contribute to the decisions made by the district and building regarding budget, facilities, curriculum, and personal well-being.
19. Strives to maintain and improve professional competence.
1. Highly qualified with required competency in the content area; and
2. Appropriate content/ program area educator license (Foreign Language) and grade level (5-12) licensure from the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education; and
3. Bachelor’s Degree with appropriate license; or
4. Master’s Degree with appropriate content area license preferred and/or expected within 5 years.
Reach out to Valerie Williams, the Senior Administrator of Talent and Diversity Development at williamsv@springfieldpublicschools.com. She will be happy to answer any questions that you have.
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